Welcome from our Head Pupils, Meredith, Evelyn, Toby and Jack.
We would like to welcome you to Newquay Junior Academy (NJA). We are a large junior setting, with over 500 KS2 pupils, set in the middle of a lovely Cornish town. The academy is very close to the beautiful beaches, and we are very lucky to be so close. Our school cares for everyone, the staff are always there for us, and it is a happy place to be. Our Newquay Junior community represents Newquay in a positive way, whether that is through the many beach cleans that we do or our annual Christmas song which we do to raise money for the local foodbank.
At Newquay Junior Academy, we embrace differences every day, which culminates in our Wellbeing Week in the summer term, visitors come and talk about their varying differences; this includes past and present pupils. We pride ourselves on being inclusive: every pupil learns about their own lives, the lives of others and those in the wider world, we believe this promotes tolerance of all and is something we all care about very much.
We love learning at our academy; we have many opportunities to go on exciting trips and welcome interesting visitors. For example, we recently had representatives from Newquay Space Port come to the academy to talk about our most recent project, before we visited it for ourselves. We both particularly like all the sports that NJA has to offer, especially football, cross country, swimming, basketball and many more. Every year group has the chance to go on residential trips. We have been to two camps where we have been on midnight walks, participated in activities in the sea and enjoyed being outdoors as well as some yummy snacks! We are looking forward to our London trip, which will enable us to visit our capital city and visit some fantastic sights-we think it will be the best of all! During lunchtimes we have some state-of-the-art outdoor equipment, can attend lunchtime clubs, and have a great canteen packed full of healthy, wholesome food.
Newquay Junior Academy has twenty classrooms, there is a brilliant library which is bursting with books for all ages and abilities, and we have regular author visits. The outdoor environment of NJA consists of a spacious sports pitch, two playgrounds and a huge field. We also have a quiet shady area where you can relax, read or chat. We have an Outdoor Education Lead, and this means that as much as we can, we take our classroom outdoors. On any given day, our classroom could be one of our many beaches, the zoo or somewhere in our amazing grounds-we never let the weather put us off either!
As Head Boy and Head girl, it is one of our jobs in our Celebration Assembly to help Mr. Hayes or Mrs. Findlay present the certificates, postcards, and medals to that week’s recipients: doing this is a real privilege for us.
Our school motto is, “Pup Huny Rag Les An Myns” which means, “Each for the good of the greater number”: we know that Newquay Junior Academy wants us all to reach our true potential and we can achieve that even more by working together.